What If Creative Freelancers Were As Integrated Into Your Creative Process As 'Siri' Is Into An iPhone?

Ideasicle X Idea Stream animated gif showing four experts posting ideas from various computer devices

When agencies need freelancers they need them yesterday, not three days later after they’ve been fetched, negotiated with, W9s received, an office found for them to work, hotels to put them up, etc. What if freelance talent could be intimately integrated into an agency’s existing creative process, where teams who know your client’s business are but keystrokes away at any given moment and could be an outlet coming up with ideas within hours, not days? Well, as they say, we have the meats.

Ideasicle X is to ideas what Siri is to the time.

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When your agency has an Ideasicle X subscription, you get a powerful online Command Center from which your team can open up unlimited idea jobs per month. A job can be launched within minutes—invite Ideasicle Experts, upload your creative brief, and watch the ideas populate the Idea Stream (the virtual space where all the action happens).

Better yet, after you’ve used the platform a few times and tried out various Ideasicle Experts you’ll find a core team of “go-to freelancers” AND, more importantly, a bullpen of sorts who start to really understand your business.

Okay, maybe it’s not as fast as Siri is when you need the time. But with a virtual model like ours, it’s a far cry from the clunky traditional freelance model.

Each account can have its own Command Center.

Some Ideasicle Experts will be better suited for automotive accounts, others for CPG, and still others for sporting goods or B2B. Believe me, with 40+ Ideasicle Experts at the ready, an agency can quickly find relevant experience for any client they’re working on. And finding that core team is one reason each account should have its own Command Center. It remembers who you invited in the past so you can continually sharpen your core team.

Each account having its own Command Center also means your account can be given its own freelance budget and you have total power over how it’s spent. No other teams can dip into it. It’s yours to manage.

Speaking of which…

No more messy and painful 1099 relationships with freelance talent.

This is a biggie. Ideasicle X assumes the 1099 relationship with all freelancers hired and paid on the Ideasicle X platform. No more W9s, no more year end tax reporting. Instead Ideasicle X serves as a single vendor relationship to the agency no matter how many freelancers you hire over the year. Note: even if you invite your own freelancers to an Ideasicle X project (you can do that if you have their email addresses), we will handle those 1099s as well.

an agency ‘Master Command Center’ gives leadership control over all freelance spending.

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Whomever is in charge of freelance budgets—head of creative services, the Chief Financial Officer, someone else—will get a Master Command Center which empowers the user with the following superpowers:

  1. Dole out Command Centers to account managers across the agency.

  2. A dashboard that reports the usage for each Command Center in the agency, so you can see who’s using it and who isn’t.

  3. Track freelance budgets. The Master Command Center user can see exactly how much each separate Command Center has spent so far on freelancers.

  4. One Ideasicle X account. The agency sets up one billing account with Ideasicle X, which all of the agency’s Command Centers are linked to.

here’s where the call to action goes.

If you’re still not convinced that Ideasicle X could dramatically improve how you manage your creative freelance needs, the click here for a cost analysis against the traditional model. Then forward this blog post to your agency’s leadership or set up a demo that I’m happy to give you over Zoom. Just click the button below to connect to my Calendly schedule to find a time. Because it’s time to make creative freelance easy.

Will Burns, CEO and Founder of Ideasicle X

Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of the revolutionary virtual-idea-generating company, Ideasicle X. He’s an advertising veteran from such agencies as Wieden & Kennedy, Goodby Silverstein, Arnold Worldwide, and Mullen. He was a Forbes Contributor for nine years writing about creativity in modern branding. Sign up for the Ideasicle Newsletter and never miss a post like this.