Posts tagged students
Texas State University Weighs In On "Collegiate" Version Of Ideasicle X

Recently, we ran an idea project that brought together Ideasicle Experts and students from Texas State University to collaborate virtually. One student, Jason Lovejoy, was so impressed by his experience that he introduced me to his professor, Sage Baker, a Lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Texas State. Jason believed our platform could be an excellent tool for university collaboration. We set up a meeting with the three of us, and here’s what happened.

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Texas College Students Bring Fresh Perspective To Recent Ideasicle X Project

We recently took on a project that challenged us in ways we hadn't anticipated. It started with a bold client (a research company) who proposed a unique approach: form three teams composed of both our seasoned Ideasicle Experts and college students from Texas—students who represented the very market we were targeting. Sounded smart, at least on paper. But could students with very little life experience bring something valuable to the table? Um, yeah.

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