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Why I Started Ideasicleˣ

If I may, I’d like to share with you what motivated me to start Ideasicleˣ. I’ll start by reviewing a few of my personal driving principles and then explain how Ideasicleˣ is the ultimate manifestation of those principles. Warning, though, this may get a little deep or “woo-woo” for some.

Principles I play by.

#1. I believe we create our own universes. Yes, universes with an ‘s.’ Everything that happens to us is the result of our own thoughts and actions. It’s about stating intention, it’s about emitting and attracting energy, it’s about the humble acknowledgment that both the “good” and “bad” things that happen to us are our fault. This principle reminds me that I’m always in control. Note: related post on how “luck” comes from your outlook on life here.

#2. I believe the universe will conspire to help us fulfill our dreams, but only under one condition: that we have enough faith in ourselves to make decisions related to those dreams. Big scary decisions and little incidental decisions, but all made on behalf of these larger dreams. I once heard paranormal researcher, John E.L. Tenney, say on a podcast:

"I look at our seemingly shared reality as kind of like a game. Like there's this galactic or cosmic or universal game that's being played. And the universe loves to play. And all it really wants anyone to do is play back."

I love that thought and fully believe that the universe wants us to be active participants in this creation and rewards us when we are.

#3. I believe creativity is the most spiritual thing any human being can do. To be standing there one minute without a new idea and then to be standing there the next minute with a new idea is nothing short of miraculous to me. It’s creation. Creation! May not always be the “create the universe in 7 days” kind of creation, but any new idea/creation is a spiritual act in my mind.

That’s why creativity generates so much energy and joy and power in those who achieve it in any form. Think about it. Every idea that you have further evolves the universe in a small way. As the universe expands so do our minds (or maybe it’s the other way around). Ideas are important stuff.

Ideasicleˣ is awash in idea energy.

The first two principles above—that we create our own universes and the universe will conspire to help us—are what inspired me to start a company at all. It’s scary to start a company, it’s risky, it may not be successful, it may fail. But as the great sage Wayne Gretzky (or was it Michael Scott?) once said,

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Once I had gathered enough courage to make the original decision to start Ideasicle in 2010 it was amazing to me how doors would suddenly open. Doors I didn’t even know were there swung wide open as if by magic. An account landed in my lap, all the experts I invited into the platform agreed to do it even though it was weird and different, I was invited to become a Forbes Contributor a year later. It was flurry of crazy opportunities and coincidences that ultimately led to the idea of the Ideasicleˣ SaaS platform.

The universe was like, “Yes! You made a decision, now let’s dance!”

But the third principle—that creativity is a spiritual act—is what drove me to come up with Ideasicle as the company I wanted to start. I don’t know about you, but when I witness someone come up with a great idea I literally get the chills. It’s the most joyous feeling. It’s why I got into advertising in the first place—so I could be surrounded by this intoxicating “idea energy” all day long.

What excites me most about the Ideasicleˣ platform is that more people will be able to have more ideas for more advertising agencies than ever before. Ideas that would not have otherwise happened WILL happen because of this platform and because of our unique model. New business pitches will be won, new social media campaigns will be hatched, more accounts will be retained. All because of ideas that would not have otherwise existed. And that gets me more excited than anything in the world. Because a world without ideas would be, well, the one thing that’s unthinkable.

I am also motivated realizing that other idea people who see creativity as “who they are” will be able to self-actualize through the Ideasicleˣ platform. Idea people can be more of who they are here because it’s about ideas and nothing but ideas. No politics, no meetings, no biases, no barriers, just ideas.

So, as we put the finishing touches on this SaaS platform designed specifically and only for idea generation (launching soon to the “First 50” customers), know that Ideasicleˣ is my personal way of looking the universe right in the eye and asking, “Wanna play?”

Will the universe play back? Hey, nothing is unthinkable.

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Will Burns is the founder and CEO of Ideasicleˣ. Follow him on Twitter @WillOBurns.