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Ideasicleˣ New Year's Revolutions

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

We are so excited about our resolutions for 2021, we’re feeling they’re a little more revolutionary than resolutionary. At least as they relate to the advertising industry. Here are our three New Year’s “Revolutions”:

#1: We resolve to release the revolutionary Ideasicleˣ SaaS platform by March, 2021.

Maybe sooner. The ad world needs a better way to come up with ideas while working remotely and we are going to deliver it. We’ve had three beta tests so far and all have gone well. One more beta over the next month, possibly two, and we’ll be good to go.

#2: We resolve to provide agencies with a revolutionary virtual way to tap into freelance talent.

While agencies can invite their own employees to Ideasicleˣ, they can also draft super-teams of four freelancers of their choosing. Not only that, agencies will be able to put these teams to work right away, and right on the platform. It’s not just a match-making platform for talent. You get to light the match too.

#3: We resolve to establish a non-profit organization that funds innovative creativity programs in public schools.

This blog post is the first time I’ve mentioned this exciting initiative, but after we launch Ideasicleˣ to the world AND before the end of 2021, I plan to set up a foundation or partner with an existing foundation with a singular mission: to improve the creativity skills of children in public schools. I served on my local community’s Edfund for six years and developed a view that public schools are, budgets allowing, great at supporting the arts—acting in musicals, playing instruments, singing in chorus, art classes, etc.—but if you think about it, while those are all creative endeavors, they are not creativity itself. In fact, I’d argue they are talents that are had to varying degrees by different people. But what if a child is massively creative but can’t sing, isn’t musically inclined, and couldn’t paint the broad side of a barn?

This foundation (or partnership) would focus less on creativity in the arts and more on the art of creativity. We would encourage educational exploration of ways to teach creativity at its highest level, divorced from any application (talent), by providing grants to enterprising teachers who have ideas that require funding. We’d fund it through a percentage of Ideasicleˣ revenue and through individual donations. More on this later in the year. At this point it’s just an idea, but I resolve to make it happen before this year ends. Here’s more about the idea from a Forbes post I wrote a few years ago.

So those are our three big “revolutions” for 2021. As is the case with all resolutions, we’ll see, right? In the meantime, Happy New Year to all of you. I hope 2021 is safe, happy, and chock full of ideas for you.

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Will Burns is the founder and CEO of Ideasicleˣ. Follow him on Twitter @WillOBurns.