Ideasicle X

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Hey, Freelancers Working On The IX Platform, When In Doubt Post It

Photo by esralogy from Pexels

One of the reasons Ideasicle X works so well is that the team feels comfortable and unafraid. Nothing scares creativity away better than fear, right? Well, our platform is designed to minimize fear and maximize ideas. Here’s how.

Everyone is reduced to a typeface.

Forgive me if you’ve heard this one before, but it’s relevant to this topic and something one of my female Ideasicle Experts once told me that she liked about the virtual nature of the platform. Everyone is reduced to a typeface. No loud guy, no introverts, no office politics, no gender/racial/age biases. None of the unconscious human gunk gets in the way of creativity. With no fear of judgment, it’s only about the ideas. And that’s liberating.

Four’s not a crowd.

They say “three’s a crowd,” but they’re wrong, at least when it comes to virtual creative teams. We’ve found through years of trial and error that four is the ideal number. Why? For starters, four perspectives colliding on a problem where each person comes at the problem differently yields exponential ideas when compared to one person or even the typical two (writer/art director). But, more importantly on the topic of slaying fear, four is not so many that any teammate feels like they’re on stage. It’s still intimate enough to post something that might be a bad idea in case it inspires others. I’ve seen it a zillion times (maybe two zillion)—bad ideas are necessary to get to great ideas. So, our fearless teams fear less with four.

You never know what might inspire.

That last one is important because it means more thoughts, notions, and ideas get posted for the others on the team to see. Trust me, you never know what might inspire someone. In fact, I remember a project I was managing where one of the Experts posted an “idea” informing the team that he had a dentist appointment and wouldn’t be able to post anything until that night. Hardly an idea and he should have just sent an email. But the team saw that notice and somehow it inspired an idea for the assignment! I’m not kidding, this actually happened. And we ended up presenting the idea to the client. So an illustration as to how important it is to eliminate fear in the process because you just never know what might inspire the rest of the team.

We often talk about how virtual idea generation is in many ways better than in-person. One of the key reasons is the near-elimination of fear, doubt, and apprehension in the creative process.

Only then can nothing truly be unthinkable.

Will Burns, Founder & CEO

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