Ideasicle X

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Dear Elon, If By "Everything" You Mean Business, We Need To Talk

Dear Elon -

Our companies now have the same last name. I mean it’s your whole name, but whatever. What’s important is that we both saw the power of the letter “X,” amiright? For Ideasicle X, the “X” was a way to bring in our customers. As if to say, “Ideasicle to the power of _____” where the blank is our customer. For you, it represents your intentions of building the “everything app,” about which you tweeted (is it still called a “tweet”?):

“In the months to come, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world. The Twitter name does not make sense in that context, so we must bid adieu to the bird.”

Got it. And, being in the branding world, I think it’s really smart. X is noncommittal. X is a fill-in-the-blank. X can, in fact, represent anything and, more importantly, everything. So, good on you for that.

My question for you, sir, is this. Do you mean business?

Does “everything” mean business?

If X (yours, not mine) will come to mean everything, does that include business applications? Or are we only talking about consumer apps? Your tweet above mentions “…your ability to conduct your entire financial world.” To me, that speaks to consumers, but not to businesses. And given your past history with PayPal, you’re certainly the guy to pull this off.

But think of the possibilities of also including business applications in your everything. I can think of one.

Make my X your x.

What if your X had an application within it that allowed businesses to shop and recruit creative talent and subject-matter experts from around the world, put them into teams of four, and have them come up with ideas for said business over a few days? The recruited team could post ideas on a private section of X (your X) and then build and riff on each others’ ideas as well. The business could also pay the team once the project is over.

Wouldn’t that be cool?

Now, you could go take years building that application, testing it, etc. Or you could recognize the fact that Ideasicle X already is that application. We put ten years of research into this idea generating machine and built the application two years ago. It works and it’s awesome.

Why this makes good business sense.

A few reasons:

  • If an app for business building ideas are not part of everything, is everything really everything?

  • Through X (yours) businesses would be able to search 400,000,000 people to find the right team to come up with ideas.

  • Conversely, those 400,000,000 could make money contributing ideas through X (yours). That would mean everything to them (pardon the pun).

  • Businesses would use X (yours) more and, in so doing, perceive it to be way more than a social medium where people rant all day. Your brand would be perceived as useful.

  • X (yours) would make a % off the payments made to any hired freelancers. Revenue opportunity! Not to mention any fees associated with starting an idea project in the first place.

There are more, but I’ll leave it at that for now. If you’re interested, DM me on X @WillOBurns so I know it’s you.

Ideas are everything to us. Make us part of your everything.


Will Burns

Founder & CEO of Ideasicle X